As the spread of COVID-19 is currently becoming critical, mothers have to pay more attention to the selection of food and other products for their little ones. Consequently, I’d like to inform you on how to choose quality but cheap disposable diapers as indicated below:
- Well absorbent disposable diapers are highly recommendable since babies normally have short sleeping cycles. In other words, they often wake up after falling asleep for a short period of time. If a diaper is not well absorbent, babies will feel uncomfortable and can not sleep sufficiently. As a result, mothers should choose a diaper that absorbs liquid well but dries quickly so that the baby is comfortable and sleeps longer. Doing so will allow parents to have more time to work at home;
- Disposable diapers should be soft and gentle for babies’ skin, apart from passing the hypoallergic test, because many babies have sensitive skin which is prone to rash or overweight babies with some damp body parts that easily cause fungal infection. As prevention is better than cure, mothers should choose a disposable diaper that does not cause any rash to their children. Doing so will prevent parents from any risks of COVID-19 infection from outside;
- Disposable diapers should be flexible and easy to wear. Because parents have to keep their baby at home almost all the time, they usually play with their little one who likes crawling, standing, and climbing. In addition to managing the environment at home to be safe so that children are allowed to do anything freely, parents should pay attention to choosing a flexible diaper that makes the children comfortable, enabling them to be ready to play, learn and develop without interruption; and
- Disposable diapers should be reasonably-priced and have good quality. Of course, in the present economic situation, no one can not ignore checking prices before purchasing anything. Do not forget that good diapers are not necessarily pricey but effectively absorbent so that parents do not have to change them very often while babies can feel comfortable.
The above-mentioned are easy ways to choose good disposable diapers for which parents should be concerned especially with the current spread of COVID-19.
This information is provided by Pornnipa ‘Am’ Sriprasert, M.D., a pediatrician specializing in the brain, developmental, and learning psychology.
Crated At 03/01/2023