Tips to overcome morning sickness

Tips to overcome morning sickness Tips to overcome morning sickness Tips to overcome morning sickness

          Morning sickness is one of the signs of pregnancy. Morning sickness usually occurs 5-20 weeks into the pregnancy, but some may have morning sickness throughout the pregnancy. Symptoms of morning sickness will be different for each person. However, being aware of the most common symptoms of morning sickness will make you more prepared to deal with them.

There are 3 levels of Morning Sickness

1. Mild moring sickness

    Mild nausea and dizziness. The mother can still eat, although she may eat less.  Such cases do not require special care. She just needs to be pampered by her husband and the symptoms will be noticeably better.

2. Moderate moring sickness

    The mother eats less and occasionally cannot eat. She occasionally vomits. Her urine is yellow due to dehydration. In this case, she may need to be taken to the hospital for a saline or glucose drip. The doctor may prescribe some medicine to deal with the symptoms. Follow the doctor’s advice on how to care for her, as well as adjust her diet accordingly.

 3. Severe moring sickness

    The mother is unable to eat any food. She vomits heavily and suffers from dehydration and malnutrition. She loses weight and looks visibly fatigued. In some cases, there may be severe esophageal perfusion due to vomiting, renal failure, retinal inflammation. In this case, it is necessary to see a doctor for proper treatment.

The cause of morning sickness

1. When you are pregnant, your body will have higher levels of estrogen and HCG (Human chorionic gonadotropin), which stimulates nausea and vomiting.

2. It can be caused by autonomic nervous system defects, which distorts smells and tastes. This is an automatic mechanism that occurs during the first stage of pregnancy to prevent mothers from overindulging in food without being careful about that they are eating, which increases the risk of ingesting toxic substances that can harm the baby.

3. Pregnant women that feel sensitive emotions or have stress and anxiety have higher chances of experiencing morning  than others. Requiring attention may also be another cause of morning sickness.

What are the symptoms?

         Pregnant women are most likely to have symptoms in the morning after waking up. This is where the medical term "Morning Sickness" comes from. However, symptoms of morning sickness can occur all day, whether in the afternoon or late night. Each person suffers from different symptoms. Here are some common symptoms:

1. Nausea and Vomiting

    Pregnant women feel discomfort in the chest and stomach area, so much so that it causes them to vomit or become constantly nauseous. Vomiting when there is no food in the stomach is greatly painful. In some cases, there may be severe bleeding from the esophageal and bronchial area from vomiting.

2. Cravings

    Pregnant women may have unusual cravings, such as for sour food. They may not be able to eat what they usually like and may want to eat what they usually dislike. This is due to the bitter taste in the mouth caused by indigestible food, causing every type of food to taste different and less delicious.

3. Sensitivity to Scents

    This is caused by autonomic nervous system functioning during pregnancy. Scents become distorted and hypersensitized. The scent of garlic, meat or even perfume can become too overwhelming and foul.

4. Fatigue

    Pregnant women may constantly feel fatigued and feel like they lack sleep as a result of not being able to eat normally and not enjoying food, as well as weakness from nausea and vomiting.

How to alleviate the symotoms of morning sickness

1. Drink warm milk or hot drinks such as ginger ale because ginger can help relieve abdominal pain, flatulence, and nausea. It also has the property to reduce gas and flatulence as well.

2. Choose to eat foods that are easy to digest. Eat warm meals. Pregnant women should eat small portions and several smaller meals instead of eating everything in a single meal. This is because the main symptom of morning sickness is vomiting.  This causes the digestive system to become overworked. Pregnant women should eat food that is easy to digest to help reduce the amount of work for the stomach.

3. Do some light exercise, such as morning walks or prenatal yoga as a way to help the body relieve muscle tension. This is especially important when symptoms include vomiting, which contracts the muscle in the abdomen, causing strain and pain. Exercise helps to relieve this muscle spasm in this area.

4. Natural aroma can help relieve the stress of pregnant women with morning sickness. natural aromas, such as peppermint, are recommended, rather than synthetic odor. The scent choice depends on the preference. Choose any scent that makes you feel relaxed.

5. If the vomiting becomes so severe that the pregnant woman cannot perform daily tasks, such as eating, or if the vomiting persists for a very long time, consult a doctor immediately. Self-medication is not recommended.

           Morning sickness is a normal occurrence with pregnancy. It is not frightening as long as you understand the cause, symptoms, and time frame. With this knowledge, it becomes easier to handle.




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