Prepare for an First Pregnant

Prepare for an First Pregnant Prepare for an First Pregnant Prepare for an First Pregnant

The first thing to do when you know you are pregnant is to find out what to check for and observe various symptoms of pregnancy during the first trimester.

Don't Worry about Your First Pregnancy: Prepare for an Easy Pregnancy as if Having a Doctor Friend

"'I'm pregnant!'

First of all, I would like to congratulate all new mothers who have embarked on this new journey in their lives, feeling both excited and nervous, not knowing how to prepare or what to do. Don't worry, today I will share what needs to be done. There are still '10 things new expecting mothers should know,' which you can read here. Click.

First things you should do when you know you are pregnant

With the missed period or after testing positive with 2 lines, it means 'hurry to see a doctor for antenatal care.' Due to advancements in medical technology, nowadays antenatal care significantly reduces the risks associated with pregnancy. Generally, for the first antenatal visit, there are standard procedures that need to be done in the first trimester, as follows:

1) Medical history recording is conducted to identify the risk factors associated with chronic diseases, past medical treatments, drug allergies, as well as underlying diseases detected through physical examinations, such as thyroid disease, heart disease, etc. Merely recording medical history can provide information about the risk of chronic diseases or health problems in the past, which can be used for preliminary treatment planning.

2) Ultrasound examination is beneficial for detecting abnormalities in the fetal structure and various organs of the fetus, as well as the major internal organs within the abdominal cavity. Measuring the size of the fetus from ultrasound examination also helps determine the gestational age of the mother and sets the due date for delivery, especially in cases where the mother's menstrual cycle is irregular. This is highly useful for managing the late stages of pregnancy, reducing the risk of overdue pregnancy, which could adversely affect the health of the fetus. Additionally, ultrasound examinations allow mothers to see the movements of the fetus in the womb, fostering love and attachment even before birth.

3) Blood tests for screening important and common risks during pregnancy are extremely beneficial and crucial for appropriate care planning during pregnancy. These tests include screening for conditions, such as anemia and gestational diabetes during pregnancy, sexually transmitted diseases, and toxoplasmosis.

4) Other specialized tests, particularly screening for the risk of Down syndrome, are another significant concern for many expectant mothers. This is often found in pregnant women aged 35 and older, where the chance of having a baby with Down syndrome is as high as 1 in 250, and the risk increases with age. However, it can also occur in younger pregnant women or those with low risk who haven't received guidance on Down syndrome screening. Therefore, pregnant mothers should undergo Down syndrome screening early on in their pregnancy.

5) Continuous intake of folic acid throughout the first trimester is essential to reduce the risk of abnormal brain development in the baby. Pregnant mothers naturally want their developing babies to be healthy, so the most important thing they can do is to nourish their pregnancy with essential nutrients. One of the crucial nutrients is folic acid, which mothers should supplement to prevent birth defects in the baby.


For mothers who are starting to prepare items for their little ones, don't forget the essential one that babies need: 'BabyLove Easy Tape,' which provides long-lasting absorption for up to 10 hours(1) and features Triple Lock technology with 3 layers(2) to prevent leakage. It helps relieve a lot of worries for new mothers for sure!"

"Mothers can shop for diapers specially designed for newborns at the BabyLove Online Shop by clicking here"

(1) The duration of absorption depends on the amount of each baby’s urine, compared to the BabyLove product lines only.

(2) Absorbent pad, standing leg cuffs, and elastic waistbands closely hug around the baby’s body to prevent leakage.


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