"Diaper rash" a skin disease that may not come from diapers

"Diaper rash" a skin disease that may not come from diapers "Diaper rash" a skin disease that may not come from diapers "Diaper rash" a skin disease that may not come from diapers

          Even though it is dubbed “diaper rash”, actually, this skin irritation is not directly caused by wearing diapers. However, it is a rash that occurs in the area where the diaper is worn. The irritation is caused by allergic contact or if the baby’s skin is in contact with a contaminated diaper for too long. Whether you choose to use muslin cloth diapers or disposable diapers, this can occur.  There is no need to worry about it. Diaper rash is common, especially in infants aged 3-18 months, more than 50% of whom suffer from some form of diaper rash. We just have to understand why the rash occurs, how to prevent it, and the right way to treat it. Once we do, we can steer clear of diaper rash altogether.


What are the symptoms of diaper rash?
The skin that has contact with the diaper becomes red and irritated. This usually occurs in the inner thigh and the groin area, as well as any folds in the skin near the genital area. Sometimes, there can be rashes in the genital area, as well as any area that comes into contact with the diaper. If left for too long, fungal and bacterial infections might occur until the symptoms worsen. When infants suffer from diaper rash, they become fussy, uncomfortable, and in pain. Some have difficulty urinating.


Why does diaper rash occur?
Causes of diaper rash vary since babies have delicate skin. Sometimes, diaper rash is caused by contact and friction with diapers. Wearing diapers that are too tight can cause irritation and rash as well. Or sometimes, when the rash is red, it is possible that the cause of irritation may be from contact with liquid soap, powder, or wet wipes that is used on the baby’s skin. Parents should keep an eye on symptoms when introducing a new product to the baby’s routine.

          However, the most important factor is "Dampness" due to the skin in the area covered by the diaper can be exposed to urine or stool for a prolonged period of time. This causes the skin to become soft. When the skin comes into contact with the diaper, it becomes red or peels. In addition, in general, the human skin is acidic. This helps inhibit the growth of bacteria, but when the "acidic condition is made alkaline" with ammonia from the urine, it allows the skin to be more easily infected. When mixed with the stool, chances of infection increase since there are millions of bacteria in just 1 mg of infant stool.

          So if there is fecal contamination and wet skin, bacteria will spread very easily since ammonia is also a nutrient for bacteria. This helps the germs increase. The first stage of rashes may be caused by irritation, but when left in these conditions for a prolonged period of time, the skin's immunity decreases and it causes infection from fungus and bacteria in this area.


How to prevent and treat diaper rash
The best way to deal with diaper rash is prevention, which is better than treatment once the rash already exists.  Prevention can be done by taking appropriate care of the skin in the diaper area correctly as follows:

  • Change the diaper every 2-3 hours or every time the baby urinates or defecates, especially in cases where the baby has allergic reactions to diapers.  If the child defecates, change the diaper immediately.
  • Always clean the baby every time you change the diaper. Use clean water to clean the urine and use gentle baby soap that is mildly acidic similar to the skin to clean the area that is contaminated with stool. Then, wash the area with soap and water and gently dry with a cloth. Do not rub the skin with the cloth since it can cause irritation.
  • Use a diaper cream or Ointment with Zinc Oxide or Petrolatum (Vaseline) or dimethicone to protect the skin from irritation and to prevent skin contact with chemicals, moisture, and to reduce friction. The choice of skin products suitable for children will help reduce the rash.
  • Choose a diaper that suits your baby’s skin type and size. This is very important in preventing rashes and irritation. Therefore, choose a diaper that can absorb liquid and has good ventilation so that the inner surface of the diaper is always dry. With the evolution of new technologies, today’s diapers have the ability to absorb a lot of liquid and have good ventilation as well, allowing the baby's skin to stay dry. The size of the diaper should be a perfect fit. If the size is too small, it will cause friction on the elastic edge until the skin is irritated. But if the size is too big, it may cause leakage. In addition, sometimes diaper rash may be a result of personal allergies. If this is the case, consult a physician.
  • Avoid using baby powder, especially near the genitals because the powder can ball up with the sweat and become wet. This will cause the skin to be damp all the time, which can easily cause irritation and rash.
  • Air out the baby’s skin from time to time by reducing the amount of time in diapers. The proper time to do this is after the new bowel movements because babies will not urinate or defecate twice in a short period of time. Let the skin completely dry. If the baby has diaper rash, time in diapers have to be reduced even more to heal the skin until the rash is completely gone.
  • Put on the diaper a bit loosely. When putting on diapers or clothes, there should be room left for the skin to breathe. Tight clothing and clingy fabrics should be avoided to prevent dampness.
  • Avoid chemical substances that may irritate the baby’s skin. Do not wash your baby's laundry with perfumed detergent and fabric softener, as it may irritate the baby's skin. Even some branded baby products may cause allergic reactions as well. Study the label to make sure that all components must be safe and will not cause any allergic reactions before deciding to use. 
  • Keep breastfeeding for as long as possible. Breastfeeding helps reduce the alkalinity in the stool. In addition, breastfeeding also stimulates the immune system to resist infection, reducing the chance of the baby having to be on antibiotics. Antibiotics, itself, is another cause for diaper rash as well.
  • Food may contribute to allergies. When the baby starts to eat different foods, introduce each item to the baby gradually. Let them eat the same thing for a few days, before trying new foods. This will help parents determine whether the diaper rash is the result of allergies to a certain type of food.
  • See a doctor to treat diaper rashes that do not improve within 2-3 days to prevent infection. Do not self-medicate because it may be dangerous.

Source : www.mamaexpert.com

Crated At 30/11/2016


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